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Lunch Menu

This Institute is an Equal Opportunity Provider

* Milk is an option with every meal

Serving times are as follows:

Breakfast in the Classrooms:

Kindergarten 7:15-7:45 am

Preschool 8:00 am


Yellow Pod - 10:45 am - 11:05 am

Green Pod - 11:30 am - 11:50 am

Red Pod - 12:00 pm - 12:20 pm 

Preschool - 12:00 pm

Kindergarten Lunch Guests:

  • We would love for you to join your child for lunch at school in September, October, and during the winter holidays! We kindly ask that you give the children the first few weeks of school to get used to the routine of eating in the school cafeteria. Establishing the lunchtime routine early on will make coming to school to eat with your student much more enjoyable.  Feel free to join us for lunch starting September 3rd! 
  • Please check with your child’s teacher for scheduled lunch and recess times.

  • Please check in with the office before joining or visiting your child at any time during the day.

Preschool Menu:

Morning preschool students will have the same breakfast as The Children's Center, while afternoon preschool students will have the same lunch as The Children's Center. You can view The Children's Center Menu here.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Calendar & Category Legend:

  • Sherman Meal Menu